Providing telehealth CBT-I therapy in CA and IL
Welcome to Sleep Good Night.
I want to help you get your sleep back on track. Chances are, it’s been years since whatever issue that first triggered your sleep problems has been gone, but your disrupted sleep patterns just won’t go away no matter how hard you try. You are tired of feeling tired, and exhausted from the struggle. You are not alone – an estimated 30% of the U.S. population experiences transient to long-term insomnia symptoms.
Poor sleep can take on a life of its own and develop into a self-perpetuating cycle – you get stuck in a pattern of poor sleep. And sometimes, you need a little help getting unstuck. Behavioral sleep therapy is the process of getting your sleep unstuck from unhelpful patterns and establishing restorative sleep patterns. It known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, and is an effective, short-term therapy to treat insomnia without medication.
Thank you for visiting my website. Whether we get to work together in a sleep therapy capacity, or you gain some knowledge and tools from my writings here, I hope I can be a helpful part of your journey towards better sleep.

Learn more about how sleep therapy could help you make long-term positive health changes in the domain of sleep.

Complete a sleep questionnaire and schedule the initial evaluation session designed to explore your sleep issues and discuss training strategies.

You will complete daily sleep logs and we will schedule weekly follow up sessions to monitor progress and update the sleep training plan.

Sleep Training Plan
You and I will create a customized sleep training plan designed to elicit forward movement with your sleep patterns.

Long Term Results
Sleep therapy is designed to get your sleep back on track for the long haul, getting your sleep patterns stable and resilient to future disruptions.
About Me
Hi, I’m Daniel. I am a clinical social worker and a behavioral sleep therapist providing telehealth therapy to people who are trying to get their sleep back on track. This works out pretty well because I enjoy helping people and also really enjoy talking about sleep! =) I utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), which is widely regarded as the most effective non-medication treatment for insomnia. In fact, this evidence-based intervention consistently shows better long-term results than sleeping pills in numerous research studies. My practice is centered around two core…
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